Spring Parker Accelerating Health Care Performance



Success in healthcare begins with developing strategies that make sense — now and in the future.


To make the most of your investment, continuous performance improvement is vital.

Organizational Transformation

Transitioning health care assets through M&A, consolidation, divestiture, or new market entry can help improve economies of scale, reduce costs and lift the quality of care — leading to higher productivity, margins and profitability.

Technology and Digital Transformation

Technology is rapidly changing both the way healthcare is delivered and the patient-provider relationship.

Analytics and Informatics

Your organization possesses a treasure trove of data. By leveraging it correctly, you can gain game-changing benefits in multiple areas.


The great majority of healthcare leaders say that innovation is a priority — but making it a reality can be challenging.


Success in healthcare begins with developing strategies that make sense — now and in the future. Let us analyze your business models and plans to provide valuable guidance and recommendations that will improve your results and fulfill your mission. We can:

  • Examine healthcare strategies and plans, including acquisition, consolidation, divestiture and new market entry
  • Research and identify attractive investment targets
  • Evaluate strategic and business planning
  • Analyze market factors, physician/hospital alignment, feasibility studies and demand forecasts

Areas of Focus

  • Enterprise strategic planning and development
  • Business and service line planning and development
  • Growth strategy
  • Joint ventures, affiliations and partnerships
  • Structure and governance
  • Model development and redesign
  • Succession planning
  • Capability development
  • Government and regulatory


To make the most of your investment, continuous performance improvement is vital. From organizational structures to process changes, SpringParker can help you identify opportunities for improvement and take active steps to increase efficiency and productivity. We can:

  • Conduct operational assessments to identify areas of improvement that will deliver the highest return
  • Recommend new enterprise/organizational structures
  • Design and implement best-practice processes, workflows and performance standards
  • Provide guidance for day-to-day management, including policies and procedures
  • Develop benchmark reporting for management accountability
  • Assess risk and explore ways to decrease or remove it

Areas of Focus

  • Enterprise performance improvement
  • Clinical operations
  • Business operations
  • Resource planning and human capital management
  • Finance
  • Structure, governance and leadership
  • Risk
  • Model development and redesign

Organizational Transformation

Transitioning health care assets through M&A, consolidation, divestiture, or new market entry can help improve economies of scale, reduce costs and lift the quality of care — leading to higher productivity, margins and profitability. However, it is critical that you integrate these assets into your organization through an efficient, proven process. Whether your transaction involves a physician medical group or an entire health care organization, we can help you develop and implement detailed plans to ease transitions, minimize problems and improve results. We can:

  • Assist with due diligence, including strategy and operations — driving checklist and “soft issues” focusing on factors that boost value
  • Ensure Day 1 Readiness by managing the Integration Management Office and timelines, project status, management accountability and stakeholder communications
  • Provide detailed, focused and prioritized planning and project management to acquire, integrate, consolidate or divest health care assets
  • Integrate pre- and post-transaction business models and help you employ new models for productivity, capacity and staffing/workforce management, including succession planning
  • Design and implement best-practice processes, workflows and performance standards

Areas of Focus

  • Diligence
  • Restructuring and turnaround
  • Investment, growth, exit planning and execution
  • Transition integration and divestiture separation
  • Partnership development
  • Structure and governance
  • Model development and redesign
  • Succession planning

Technology and Digital Transformation

Technology is rapidly changing both the way healthcare is delivered and the patient-provider relationship. SpringParker can be your partner in navigating the best digital solutions by helping you plan, implement and optimize those solutions to align with your organization’s strategic priorities. By adopting these technologies, you can differentiate your organization, boost productivity and improve the overall patient-provider experience. We can:

  • Design a business model customized to your organization’s digital needs that supports your overall goals
  • Help you use technology to break down silos and cover all areas, including business and clinical operations, revenue cycle, finance, supply chain, IT, legal and facilities
  • Empower your IT system through the design and development of accountable governance, structure, strategies and tactics
  • Recommend new technologies that are right for your organizational priorities and objectives
  • Explore the world of virtual health and other emerging technology tools
  • Offer effective ways to measure results

Areas of Focus

  • Strategy development
  • Model development and redesign
  • Virtual health

Analytics and Informatics

Your organization possesses a treasure trove of data. By leveraging it correctly, you can gain game-changing benefits in multiple areas. SpringParker will help you become a data-driven, forward-thinking organization by unlocking the value of your data — allowing you to streamline your operations, solidify patient and employee satisfaction and retention, improve performance and more. We can:

  • Develop and execute a data strategy tailored to the needs of your organization
  • Design a structure that identifies ownership and responsibilities for data and reporting
  • Identify strategic capabilities needed to build data literacy and answer fundamental organizational questions
  • Recommend data capture and visualization techniques to make smarter, faster, data-driven decisions
  • Create meaningful insights and actions by balancing data with real-world experiences
  • Help you take advantage of enterprise resource planning (ERP) tools to organize and optimize your data

Areas of Focus

  • Enterprise analytics strategy and execution
  • Performance management analytics
  • Enterprise tools
  • Capability diagnostics
  • Operation model integration
  • Model development and redesign


The great majority of healthcare leaders say that innovation is a priority — but making it a reality can be challenging. SpringParker can help you take a structured, strategic approach to innovation, allowing you to shift cultures and mindsets and become an organization that welcomes and champions new ideas. Our proven, multi-step approach includes:

Taking a big-picture approach to innovation and asking “what if?”
Exploring innovation strategies and adapting them to your own environment
Evolve, Elevate & Expand
Identifying where innovation will offer the greatest return on your investment
Designing a model for innovation detailing specific initiatives and processes with clear targets
Implementing your innovation strategy on a smaller scale to evaluate effectiveness
Growth & Scale
Spreading innovation throughout your system to accelerate growth and success